The Airplane Flight Manual (AFM) for our SuperD, N26BY, restricts it to VFR-only flight. We would like to add a GPS 175, GNC 215 nav/com, GMU11 magnetometer, a G5 ADI, a G5 HSI, an Aero Instruments AN5812-12 12V Heated Pitot Tube, and a PS PMA4000 audio panel to the Appaero Stratus ESG transponder, SL40 comm transceiver, digital clock, and other panel instruments. The intent of adding these components is to obtain a Supplemental AFM that approves flight in less-than-VFR conditions (we're frequently delayed or prevented to flying to aerobatic events or stranded at the event site for days awaiting favorable weather) .
TCDS A21CE_Rev_16-2 does not limit 8KCABs to VFR-only flight. This is an AFM restriction, as mentioned above.
The ACA website advertises an IFR panel SuperD. from which I infer that there's an AFM for the IFR equipped 8KCAB that authorizes flight in less-than-VFR conditions. Does ACA pursue approval for a Supplemental AFM for each IFR 8KCAB that it builds?
Does ACA have a Data Package (as defined by AC 43-210) that we could use as a template to submit a draft Data Package to our FSDO or to the West Certification Branch branch office, citing the example of the IFR 8KCAB but using the equipment additions listed above?
Any help would be very much appreciated.
I’ll get back with that info.
I’ve installed a Garmin 750, two G5s and a heated pitot tube for the purpose of n cessation IFR flights. When I need them they are there.
The 8KCAB Super Decathlon is certified for VFR-only flight per its Airplane Flight Manual (AFM), regardless of installed equipment. While ACA offers an IFR-equipped panel, this does not grant IFR certification.
To pursue IFR approval, you must work with your local FAA Flight Standards District Office (FSDO) and submit a Data Package for evaluation.