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Back in the family again!

Updated: Jun 3, 2021

Jordan Raymer picking up his beautifully restored Citabria

Jordan remembers flying with his Grandpa for the first time in this airplane when he was only two years old. Jordan's Grandpa had purchased the airplane sometime in the early 80's, it was his first plane and he had it for most of the 90s. This experience is what lead Jordan to become a pilot himself.

Jordan's Grandpa had sold the plane and it had gone through three different owners before Jordan found the plane again. He looked for the plane for over 10 years before he had the opportunity to buy it and bring it back into the family. At this point the airplane needed a little work done, so that is when he brought the Citabria to us to have the plane restored! Thanks for the great story Jordan!! We are happy this little Citabria is back with the family!!

Jordan two years old in the back seat in this picture, 1992.

Grandpa and Grandma leaving after they came to visit Jordan's family in Oklahoma.

Jordan and Grandpa after the purchase!

Jordan and his Grandparents after the purchase.

Last picture before Jordan took the wings off in Tulsa Oklahoma to start the restore.

Jordan and Grandpa picking up the plane at American Champion after restore.

Jordan and Grandpa picking up the plane at American Champion after restore.

Jordan and Grandpa flying back home. This Citabria has many more memories to come!!



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